How Education Sucks You In
Season One: Episode Three: How Education Sucks You In
Starring: Dr. Grammy Tammy
Released: August 8, 2023
**Upbeat Music** Welcome to Hyperfixing with Cate. I’m your host, Cate North. Join me today as we dive into yet another amazing hyperfixation. **Upbeat Music**
**Upbeat Music** Thank you for joining me today on Hyperfixing with Cate. I hope to see you again next week where we explore the delectable world of yet another hyperfixation. If you enjoyed today’s show I would love it if you subscribed to the podcast. Don’t forget to check out the links and resources in the show notes. Today’s music was brought to you by Sound Gallery by Dimitri Taras. And until next time don’t forget to keep your heart and mind open. **Upbeat Music**
Dr. Grammy Tammy’s Amazon Store